BTSC with the support of UNICEF Somalia is implementing an integrated Humanitarian PD which includes Health, Nutrition and WASH.

This Program UNICEF aims to provide access by vulnerable populations affected by drought to life-saving health services including immunization services and dissemination of home-care messages to drought affected population (U5 children, women of childbearing age, and other vulnerable populations) through fixed sites and community-based outreach services through health education visits. By implementing the proposed interventions, UNICEF anticipates that the risk of acute watery diarrhoea (AWD), cholera, and measles outbreaks will be reduced, and this contributes to preventing excess mortality, morbidities, and long-term consequences including disabilities. By disseminating lifesaving health messages,

This Program will focus on implementation of Integrated Health, Nutrition and WASH  with the intended achievement to increase uptake of immunization services, dissemination of lifesaving health messages to the community and HHs levels for prevention of outbreak diseases including AWD/Cholera, measles and COVID-19 for drought affected populations in the selected/priority districts, and health messaging to promote exclusive breast feeding, age appropriate complementary feeding, child spacing, ANC visits and delivery by SBA, through one mobile team/s and 4 Community mobilizers in Burhakaba  district.

Prevention and Treatment of SAM and MAM through OTPs and SCs by BTSC will also be the main intend to support reduced rate of SAM status in Burhakaba.

The WASH component will also support access to safe and clean drinking water to the beneficiaries at the HF level. the WASH component will provide Hand Washing facilities to the HFs/OTPs. construction of Gender Latrines to the HFs/OTPs. Provision of drinking water through water trucking and improved sanitation and hygiene. Hygiene Kits will be provided to the affected population to improve sanitation and hygiene status at community level.
